PHP Turbulence::Design

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-> = Always Included File
>> = Included if statement is true
* = Items in the file
@ = Subsection of previous item
-> turbulence.php
* Database Settings
* Default Theme
* Directory Structure
* Modules to use (forums, polls, articles, etc)
* Modules If-Then-Insert

-> database.php
* DB independant functions
* search functions
* return functions
* insert functions
* remove functions
* create and drop functions
@ Create forumstopic#
@ Drop forumstopic#
-> users.php
* creation functions
* removal functions
* upgrading functions (newbie-»moderator-»admin)
* lookup functions
>> forums.php
* link to database
* list forums
* list forum topics ie:
Changes Forum
Site Changes
Project Changes
System Changes
Status Forum
Site Status
Project Status
System Status
* show selected topic
@ link: forums.php?fid=1&tid=1
fid: table = forumstopic#
tid: select * from forumstopic# where tid = #